Become a Springhouse Theatre Company

Supporting Patron or Partner

If you believe in the mission of Springhouse Theatre Company, or simply want to support the value that quality theatre brings to the community, we invite you to partner with us as a supporting patron. Patron levels of support and the correspoinding benefits are listed below.

Supporting Patrons

springhouse theatre company logo
Grip: ($100-$249) – Receive 2 Season Tickets, a mention in the playbill, and an invitation to the Tech Week Tour (1) for both the opening and closing shows of the season.
Stage Manager: ($250-$499) – Receive 4 Season Tickets, a mention in the playbill, an invitation to the Tech Week Tour (1) for both the opening and closing shows of the season, and $10 concession voucher for each show.

Director: ($500-$999) – Receive 6 Season Tickets, a mention in the playbill, an invitation to the Tech Week Tour (1) for both the opening and closing shows of the season, and $10 concession voucher for each show, and reserved seating of your choice (2).

Producer: ($500-$999 – Receive 12 Season Tickets, a mention in the playbill, an invitation to the Tech Week Tour (1) for both the opening and closing shows of the season, and $10 concession voucher for each show, and reserved seating of your choice (2).

1. This tour will take place as the cast and crew are getting ready for the Sunday rehearsal on the week the show opens.
2. You select the seats anywhere in the theatre and they will be held for you. No need to arrive early.

For more information or to become a patron, email

Sponsoring Partners

There are opportunities available to be listed as a Sponsoring Partner for individual shows or for an entire season. For information about becoming a Sponsoring Partner, contactWill Sevier by phone at 615-604-9263 or by email at

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